
We gladly accept returns for products received by the customer in damaged or faulty condition. To qualify for a refund or exchange, the product must be returned to the com4toys.com office in unwashed, unused condition, with original tags, and in undamaged packaging.

Any complaints regarding damaged or faulty items must be raised within 24 hours of delivery, accompanied by a brief video and pictures sent to [email protected].

Refund or exchange requests based on personal preferences will not be entertained. However, customers can share their concerns at [email protected] for a case review.

Refunds or exchanges will be processed within 7 days if the received product differs from the one ordered on the website.

Refunds will be directly credited to the customer’s bank account within 7 working days, provided the order could not be fulfilled, and the customer has made an advance payment.

Customers are responsible for returning merchandise via traceable delivery, such as courier or registered post, at their own expense to our address. Delivery charges will not be refunded under any circumstances.

Please note that colors may vary upon delivery, unless extra payment has been made for a specific color. Color variations are not covered under the Exchange or Refund Policy.

If a product is returned in inadequate condition, we reserve the right to send it back to you.

Refund requests will be processed within 7 working days after receiving and inspecting the packaging of returned products.

All Returns should be sent to Comfort Zone, Shop No.165 1St Floor Gul plaza M.A.Jinah Road Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan-75300

For further queries about exchanges and returns, please contact us at [email protected] or Whatsapp us on +92 311 0249115